Saturday, January 24, 2009

DSF 2009 information available via SMS through Dubai eGovernment’s mDubai service

DSF 2009 information available via SMS through Dubai eGovernment’s mDubai service

Users can request information in Arabic and English by sending SMS to mDubai’s 4488

January 24, 2009

Dubai eGovernment has announced that it is offering instant information on DSF 2009 events through mDubai, the innovative channel it offers for communication between the public and government departments via SMS.

Users can either get information on 5 random events of the day or request for specific events of the day. To request information in Arabic for 5 random events, users need to type DSF A and send it as an SMS to 4488. The same information can be received in English by typing DSF E.

For information about DSF events taking place in specific locations, a user should send an SMS stating the category type to 4488. For example, to know the schedule of events taking place in The Walk Jumeira Beach Residence in Arabic, a user only needs to type “DSF A WALK”. To receive the same information in English, the user should type “DSF E WALK”. Other category types include, SIGN for signature events; SEEF for Al Seef Road events; FREEJ for Freej Activities; SHOWS for Performance & shows; FAZZA for Fazza Championships and CONCERT for concerts...

“The ability to receive information on the move has assumed vast significance in today’s fast paced life, which makes our mDubai service extremely popular among Dubai’s residents. With a wide range of DSF 2009 activities taking place across Dubai, it will benefit tourists and residents immensely if they can get information about these events by just sending an SMS,” said Moza Al Akraf, Acting Director of eServices, Dubai eGovernment.

The mDubai service is one of the most frequently used synergistic services of Dubai eGovernment. During the past year, more than 50 thousands pull messages were received and around 40 millions push messages were sent via SMS. The most frequently Push messages last year included health card expiry notifications; traffic on roads; driving test notifications; traffic fines notifications; opening and closing timings of bridges; trade licence expiry notifications and payment voucher notifications.
The most widely availed Pull messages included fines enquiries from Dubai Police; flight information from Dubai Civil Aviation Authority; Prayer timings from Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department; transaction status inquiries from Dubai Economic Development Department and daily event schedule inquiries for Dubai Summer Surprises.

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