Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dubai Municipality honours collaborators in catching environment polluters

DM honours collaborators in catching environment polluters

The Environment Department in Dubai Municipality honoured 24 people among the public who cooperated with the civic body in catching environment polluters among the drivers of tankers that transport sewage water violating the environmental protection rules in Dubai during the past months.
Eng. Hamdan Al Shaer, Director of Environment Department handed over cash rewards announced by the Municipality earlier to those who cooperated with it in reporting the violations in this field. Those who cooperated with the Municipality included people of different nationalities.
Al Shaer said the Municipality had formed a field action team to catch these violators. The team, led by Khalid Suleten, during the past period, with the cooperation of people from the public and the patrolling department of Dubai Police caught 208 tankers that emptied sewage water in open areas or storm water openings. Each of them were imposed with a fine of Dhs100,000.
Some violations were caught from labour accommodations as some owners were extending plastic pipes from the sewage water gathered in its storage tanks and were flowing it out outside the accommodation in the sand or open areas.
Al Shaer appealed nationals and expatriates in the emirate to cooperate with the Municipality in reporting this practice of violation by calling on the toll-free number 800900.
He also stressed the importance of increased efforts to face this uncivilized phenomenon that does not suit the name and fame of the city of Dubai and its clean environment.
The Municipality has announced that it will give Dhs2,000 cash reward for those who inform the violations.

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