Monday, February 2, 2009

Free medical check up conducted for 200 DCL employees

Free medical check up conducted for 200 DCL employees

More than 200 employees of Dubai Central Laboratory (DCL) benefited from the free medical check up drive offered by the Public Health Services Department at Dubai Municipality as part of the activities of the Second Medical Day organized at Safa Park. The drive under the slogan "Your Health, Our Concern," organized in cooperation with a number of private companies, was part of the care given by DCL to its employees' health and the corporate values of the Municipality, which considers the employees as its real asset.
Eng. Hawa Bastaki, Director of Dubai Central Laboratory Department said the department took this initiative for the second consecutive year aimed at educating its employees on the importance of conducting regular medical check ups in order to ensure their fitness so that they enjoy a happy life.
She said that it is also aimed at enhancing the level of job satisfaction, productivity and work quality. "Through these check ups, the employees' health status is constantly being followed up and the right treatment is provided in case any illness is found," said Bastaki.
She said that the department transported all its employees to Safa Park using Municipality buses so that there is a changed atmosphere than the office premises. "All the necessary tests were carried out for employees including that of blood pressure, sugar and osteoporosis," she said.
Bastaki said that this time the drive was distinguished with the fact that there was a lady beauty expert from one of the international companies specialised in medical examinations for lady employees in order to ensure their health and vitality skin complexion.
She said that that department has been conducting many activities for its employees, the latest among them being the Sports Day and Ramadan Forum. "These activities were aimed at strengthening the social relationships between the employees and creating team spirit among them," said Bastaki.

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