Monday, February 16, 2009

RTA Endorses Classification & Licensing of Bus Tours in Dubai

RTA Endorses Classification & Licensing of Bus Tours in Dubai

Dubai - (Roads & Transport Authority): Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) announced the endorsement of classification & licensing of bus tours in the emirate of Dubai in response to Decision No. 330/2008.

Application of classification standards will take effect as of March 2009 according to Sultan Al Marzooqi, Director of Commercial Transport Activities Dep’t at RTA Licensing Agency. “All technical testing stations of vehicles will observe the Decision No. 330/2008 governing the standards & classification of bus tours along with the applicable conditions, technical stipulations and classification standards of bus tours. All companies operating in this field are required to report to Commercial Transport Activities Dep’t to obtain the required permit for practicing this business along with the classification certificate in respect of the registered vehicle. These companies are also obliged to train their bus drivers at the training bodies approved by the RTA.

“The general conditions required in tourist buses comprise 21 items: capacity not less than 25 passengers, model not exceeding 10 years, registering bus number & the company telephone number, provision of First Aid kit in a visible and accessible place, provision of a fire extinguisher (more than 10 kgs), display monitors, shelves for personal luggage, tour guide licensed by Tourism & Commercial Marketing Dep’t, writing the Co.’s name in the external body of the bus in both Arabic & English, provision of cruise stabilizer at a maximum of 100 km per hour, provision of safety exits as per the approved specifications, and provision of driver-controlled air-conditioning.

“The technical stipulations include: specifications have to comply with the UAE endorsed technical specifications practicable at the GCC level, provision of driving indicators at the main driving compartment, air-driven braking system in all wheels, ABS braking system, suspension system, provision of a proper place for storing passenger luggage of at least 3 cubic meters in size or provision of a compartment of the same capacity.

“The classification standards of bus tours complement the general strategy of the RTA that aims to keep pace with the developments witnessed by Dubai in all fields, particularly the tourist sector highlighted by the several tourist attractions enjoyed by Dubai. Such exercise is part of the general drive to realize RTA vision that calls for providing ‘safe and smooth transport for all’. Additional specifications; which are introduced to enhance this vision, include: installation of individual passenger-controlled lighting and air-conditioning systems, which are powered by independent generators. They also include food trays, a telephone, heat-resistant panoramic glass (3/1 mobile), chiller, newspaper rack, a buffet to serve various foods & beverages for long-distance trips, an electronic sign displaying Route No. & destination, a GPS, deluxe seats, mobile head & armrest cushions, a lift and a compartment for special needs persons” added Al Marzooqi.

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