Tuesday, May 5, 2009

RTA Trains Bus Drivers on Safe Emergency Evacuation

RTA Trains Bus Drivers on Safe Emergency Evacuation

Dubai – Roads & Transport Authority: Bus Fleet Drivers Affairs Dep’t at Public Transport Agency of Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) recently launched a series of drills to train public bus fleet drivers on the safe clearance of buses in emergency cases that warrant immediate response to contain the situation and safeguard the lives of passengers.
“These drills aim at training & grooming drivers to cope with emergency situations such as fire; as buses might catch fire in any place and at any time” said Mohammed Ahmed bin Fahad, Director of Bus Fleet Drivers Affairs Dep’t at Public Transport Agency. “Drivers have therefore got to know the locations and operation of all emergency exits & windows on both sides of the bus, rear exits as well as roof hatches. They also have to know the location & method of lifting the fire extinguisher and First Aid Kit from their brackets, as well as the location and usage of any communication equipment on board the bus (two-way radio). Also they have to identify the safest way of clearing the bus from the available exits, the importance of keeping passengers in an Assembly Point away from the bus, and how to release Emergency Warning Devices and Reflectors” he said.
Bin Fahad further added: “In emergency cases, there won’t be much time to read the instructions of operating emergency exits as it will be a waste of time at a time that warrants utilizing every second quickly & effectively to save the lives of passengers; which ranks at the top of our priorities. Moreover, the surrounding conditions of the accident place will impact the attitudes of both passengers and the driver, and slow down their responses to such cases”.
It is note-worthy that RTA strictly requires all buses of Public Transport Agency are fitted with all safety & security requirements such as emergency exits & windows, warning systems, and fire extinguishers among others.

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