Monday, January 16, 2012

RTA tackles vibrations, noise generated by Dubai Metro

RTA tackles vibrations, noise generated by Dubai Metro

The Roads & Transport Authority – Nashwan Attaa’ee:

The Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) is always keen on adopting the best practices & means of enhancing its work mechanism and improving service offering to various community segments in such a way that renders public transit modes safer & smoother, and the best means of mobility across Dubai Emirate.

Among issues the RTA is seeking to tackle is the vibrations and noise generated by the daily shuttling of the Dubai Metro; which is an inevitable occurrence given the continuous daily movement of the rolling stock to lift passengers to various destinations in Dubai Emirate via the Red & Green Lines of the Dubai Metro.

To cope with these two phenomena in a practical & effective manner, the RTA Rail Agency has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding in a form of a Joint Agreement with Gerb Worldwide; a leading German company in the field of monitoring & rectifying vibration and tackling it in a way that ensures maximum degree of safe & smooth mobility for all.
The Agreement was signed on behalf of the RTA by the CEO of Rail Agency Adnan Al Hammadi, and for Gerb by Hassan Al Araj the Managing Director of Eco Co; which is the regional representative of Gerb based in Abu Dhabi.

“Pursuant to this Agreement, the Rail Agency will work with Gerb in conducting site surveys to assess the areas experiencing vibrations & noises due to the movement of trains in order to analyze the extent of their impact and come out with practical and effective suggestions & remedial solutions for improving the current position; where Gerb will be performing a consultancy role for 6 months in collaboration with the teams of the Rail Agency.

“The site teams of the Agency have monitored and diagnosed vibrations and noises in the metro facilities and it was confirmed that the rates of these two phenomena fall short of the levels that neither amount to causing inconvenience nor fall under the domain of stipulations stated by other relevant entities such as the Dubai Municipality. However, we will still spare no efforts in attaining the highest levels in line with the best global standards of the industry; a move which echoes RTA’s drive to deliver safe, smooth and sustainable transit services,” added Al Hammadi.

For his part the Managing Director Hassan Al Araj of Eco Co was delighted to sign this Agreement with the Rail Agency, considering it a crucial step towards opening new horizons of joint cooperation with the RTA.

“This Agreement brings about a valuable addition to our Co. as the RTA has a high profile in public transport sector, and the achievements it made in this sector have become a turning point not only for the UAE but the entire region,” he added.

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