Wednesday, July 31, 2013



31 July 2013:

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Dubai’s thriving design industry is a key asset in the Emirate’s bid to host EXPO 2020, by providing like-minded individuals with a home and community from which they can collaborate, connect and inspire innovative design in preparation to welcome the world to the UAE.

Given this focus on innovation, Dubai is well placed to host the Expo as UAE is the highest ranking Arab nation in the Global Innovation Index, ranking in the top five countries for innovation linkages and intangible assets in the creative output dimension. These acclimations also align directly with the long-term goals of Dubai Design District.

Dubai Expo 2020’s strategic theme, ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’ is closely aligned to that of the recently announced Dubai Design District (d3), a full service community for design industry related organizations, brands, and supporting enterprises. In addition to contributing to Dubai’s economic diversification and growing knowledge economy, the two projects will positively contribute to Dubai’s credentials as a global center for these sectors.

Dr Amina Al Rustamani,Group CEO of TECOM Investments, responsible for creating and delivering d3 said: “Should Dubai be awarded as the host city of Expo 2020, it would be the first time the event has come to the MENASA (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia) region. Expo 2020 is a significant opportunity for Dubai to share its unique design talent, exchange ideas with sister nations and explore new avenues of collaboration. As the home of the regional and international design community, d3 will provide a centre of gravity for international designers and design enthusiasts leading up to Expo 2020 and a platform of support throughout the event itself. Our key objectives as d3 are to facilitate the on-going growth of the Emirate and to facilitate employment across the value chain.

“Investors, designers, and brands from all over the world are welcome at d3 and there is a huge variety of ways to get involved. From offices to retail units, manufacturing space to exhibition galleries, we are creating a community that will act as the heart of the industry within the Middle East. By linking thoughts, beliefs, opinions, cultures, and communities through encouragement of cultural exchanges between the host city and participating countries and alignment of innovation ideas with a view to stimulate economic growth”

According to Business Monitor International, the UAE’s retail market will be worth AED 151 million by 2015. The remarkable growth seen in the sector over the past twelve months was in part due to 12% growth of Dubai’s luxury goods market. d3 aims to capitalize on this market potential by becoming the center of gravity for design, fashion and luxury as businesses within these industries flock to the Emirate to showcase their creations to one of the most diverse communities of consumers in the world.

Tourists account for 40% of global luxury spend so the potential of this market in terms of revenue generation is substantial. By growing this figure in line with Dubai’s Tourism Vision 2020, the Emirate has the potential to eclipse London as the capital of retail spending.

Dr Amina Al Rustamani continued to say: “Since we launched d3, there has been a huge amount of interest from international designers, design academies and even boutique hotels wanting to speak to us about becoming part Dubai’s design story by locating their activities in d3. Our commitment to the goals of Dubai’s Tourism 2020 Vision, combined with our network with international firms will enable us to nurture local talent and promote home-grown designers on an international scale. In doing so, we have created one location where customers from Dubai and tourists from overseas, have access to a unique bouquet of local, regional and international design offerings.”

In addition to positioning Dubai as a genuine community for the design and fashion industries that can compete on the global stage, d3 aims to increase the role of contemporary regional fashion and identify the specific needs of the regional and global companies considering Dubai and d3 as a base.

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