Cityscape Abu Dhabi Review
Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2009 - What Participants Are Saying:
“…Cityscape Abu Dhabi is a terrific forum for sharing ideas with your peers. An opportunity to discuss lessons learnt and pool collective knowledge is always welcomed.”- John Bullough, CEO, ALDAR Properties, UAE
“It is absolutely vital that we have the opportunity to network with our peers at events such as Cityscape. It is the one time in the Abu Dhabi year where everyone is in the same place at the same time and we are away from the pressures of our respective offices.” - Chris Venemore, Managing Director, Hyder Consulting Middle East, UAE
“Networking is a vital component of in any businessman’s planning. To have the opportunity to do so in the focused environment of an event of this stature is enormously useful and beneficial.”- Naser Ali Al-Attar, CEO, National Ranges Company (Mayadeen), Kuwait
“This is the optimum time to attend Cityscape, not only for networking and opportunities but to get a handle on the pulse of the industry in one of the world’s most important regions.” - Guy Perry, President and Founder, IN-VI Investment Vision, Brazil
“The Cityscape exhibitions are an ideal platform for all those in the industry to get together and discuss the issues that most affecting us. Cityscape Abu Dhabi couldn’t have come at a better time for the industry.”- Khalid Faisal Ali Al-Mutawa, Chairman, Dar Al-Dhabi Holding, UAE
“Abu Dhabi Cityscape is one of the leading real estate exhibitions internationally and our participation underlines our continued commitment to this important segment of the UAE economy.”- Irshad Shirazi, General Manager, Al Wifaq, UAE
“Cityscape’s global and local profile, and ability to attract the industry’s top professionals and visitors, provides us with a prime opportunity to position Capitala as a credible and reputable developer in the region.”- Peter Wilding, Deputy CEO, Capitala, UAE
“In this environment you need to be as transparent as possible and really work hard to build trusting relationships. Cityscape is the perfect platform to meet and talk to such a broad section of the market.
Everyone is going to be interested to see the general impression in the market and to try to work out where things are heading in the future. There is no more important time to be marketing than right now. This year may be one of the most important Cityscape events Abu Dhabi has ever seen.”- Roger Ghanem, Managing Director, Graham Jones Al Ewan Architectural Consultants, UAE
“Cityscape is one of the signature events of our calendar, and we believe very strongly in the need to be here, not only to network with our peers but to interact with our most important audience - our customers and potential customers.” - Fardan Al Fardan, Chairman, Al Rayan, UAE
Event Highlights by the Numbers:
1,211,762 Page views on cityscapeabudhabi.com
128,855 Google Impressions for Cityscape Abu Dhabi
27,146 Total Registered Visitors
19,000 sqm net Exhibition Space
1,001 Press Stories
945 Cocktail Party Attendees
423 Registered members of press
323 Conference Delegates
317 Exhibiting Companies
120 Golf Tournament Attendees
101 Conference Speakers
41 Media Partners
25 sponsors
10 Award Winners
4 Days of networking opportunities
3 Investor Round Table Sessions
1 Event driving the real estate industry forward
1,211,762 Page views on cityscapeabudhabi.com
128,855 Google Impressions for Cityscape Abu Dhabi
27,146 Total Registered Visitors
19,000 sqm net Exhibition Space
1,001 Press Stories
945 Cocktail Party Attendees
423 Registered members of press
323 Conference Delegates
317 Exhibiting Companies
120 Golf Tournament Attendees
101 Conference Speakers
41 Media Partners
25 sponsors
10 Award Winners
4 Days of networking opportunities
3 Investor Round Table Sessions
1 Event driving the real estate industry forward
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